A joint venture of Govt. of Gujarat & Gujarat Cancer Society THE GUJARAT CANCER & RESEARCH INSTITUTE M.P. Shah Cancer Hospital - Regional Cancer Centre (Recognized by Ministry of Health & Family Walfare, Govt. of India) THE GUJARAT CANCER SOCIETY
The conference BREAST ONCOLOGY 2015 was conducted at Cama Hall, Gujarat Cancer & Research Institute, Ahmedabad, Gujarat on 7th March 2015. The Chairman of this conference was Dr. J. P. Neema, Professor, Dept. of Radiation Oncology. The organizing secretaries were Dr. Pooja Nandwani Patel, Associate Professor, Dept. of Radiation Oncology and Dr. Apurva Patel, Professor in Dept. of Medical Oncology.
The conference started at 9 AM and concluded at 6 PM. There were nearly 150 delegates attending this conference from all over the country. The conference ran successfully with very informative lectures. There were 17 very educational and informative talks and three brainstorming panel discussions. There were 15 poster presentations on very exciting topics three out of which were given best poster awards. The conference ended at 6 PM followed by Inauguration ceremony in presence of Mayor Smt. Meenaxiben Patel.